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About Us

We are on a mission to make right financial advice accessible to everyone.

Finance is a personal affair and managing personal finance is a tedious & boring chore many hate to do, while a few delegate it to trustworthy subject matter experts (however, many don’t even know how to go about it altogether!). The problem is much deeper because the fundamentals of personal finance have never been taught to us formally in school, college, or afterward. Acknowledging the need for an expert to help, consumers often look out to (financially) smarter people in their close circle like parents, elder siblings, college seniors, workplace peers, etc but often settle with either Gyaan or a tactical short-term action plan. For an avg. working professional the knowledge about earning, saving & spending is superficial!


Technology has surely unlocked convenience for transaction-related affairs but mostly for the one who knows which road to take. What about the ones who are still waiting on the fence where the road splits with broken knowledge, lesser time, and no trustworthy guide?


Turtle is not just another boot-strapped startup, but a mission to democratize financial well-being for every Indian by making personal finance transparent, easy & personalized with our expert-led financial advisory hotline. The human-led approach seeds trust, while tech enables convenience.


Our expert-led goal-based financial planning approach enables consumers to learn, understand and invest in the financial instruments right for them and grow over time. In addition to investing, understanding adjacent topics like insurance, taxes, succession planning and more is key to wholesome sustainable growth. 

We are onto it. Are you?

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